Air Quality Management Area 5 - Pollution in Greenstreet (A2)


This page collects news items relevant to our circumstances in AQMA5 and some just for interest! "NEW" items are marked.

You can find official guidance and rules on "Official Documents" page.

"Greenstreet Observer" - mock newspapers - the idea is to bring into one place nuggets to last one cup of coffee!

15th March 2020 - Anklebiters Edition No1 - from conception through school years EXPERIMENT

Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology [POST]

The UK Government are consulting on an air quality target (for concentrations of one type of particulate matter, PM2.5) to be achieved over a 15-year period and will shortly publish a national air control plan for consultation. The World Health Organisation published new air quality guidelines last year that suggests a lower target for PM2.5. Leading health organisations stated in June the Government’s proposal to reach 10μg m-3 by 2040 will not provide a sufficiently rapid reduction in impacts on human health, as have the Office of Environmental Protection. This POSTnote will update the 2014 POSTnote on the evidence for the extent of health impacts at different levels to the main air pollutants (particulate matter, NO2 and ozone), and summarise the evidence for different measures to mitigate emissions from different sources of air pollution.

More POST Reports

News Bites

News Items

Electric Vehicle Power socket installation in homes and offices - Government approved lists (June 2019 spreadsheets) - Check before you buy as this list does change from time to time.... Home charging points, workplace charging points.


Nigel's (and others') Thoughts


Information Pages

We want to Breathe Clean Air